Teledentistry beyond Covid-19

As the Covid-19 pandemic has continued to evolve, we have seen ups and downs in the dental industry, and if we have learned anything, it's that everything will change. As small businesses, we have had to deal with everything from disappointed customers and government regulations to distraught employees. Then there’s the financial effects of a mandated shut down. That is a lot to deal with!

Many small businesses were agile and moved online, but how does that work for dentistry? At the very least, many practices used a phone and some old fashioned calling. That might have even led to some video conference emergency visits. Now that you’re back in the office face to face with patients, how can you capitalize on this opportunity the pandemic has provided? How can you increase your productivity with what you have learned with teledentistry?

The first step to making teledentistry a reality is to set up a teledentistry operatory. Take this part seriously, as it reflects on your practice and your technological acumen. You don’t have to spend a lot of time or money. Find a quiet spot you won’t be disturbed, your office or a consult room, somewhere acoustics will be decent. Once you have your spot, make sure you have an excellent internet connection as a dropped call is not good for business. A wired connection is recommended but not required. You can easily get an extra Ethernet line from your router, reach out to your IT professional or your building manager, they will probably be able to do this for a small fee. Don’t forget a professional background. Whatever you are sitting in front of will help maintain your practice’s professional image. 

The hardware to run a professional teledentistry operatory is pretty similar to what you might have in your other operatories, the one exception is a nice webcam with a good light such as a light ring. Make sure you have a speaker and a microphone either built in to your camera or computer. We can help make that a reality with a neat little fan-less computer (to cut down on background noise) and a few accessories all bundled together and ready for you to install from Siligent. Just as you would in any of your operatories, you want to make sure you have access to your practice software so you can keep up with your patients' progress. A nice wide screen will help with being able to see your patients while keeping your practice software up to make notes. 

So why would you invest the time and money into teledentistry? Here are a few reasons that could be a boon to your bottom line:

  • Reduce the number of patients coming in and out of the office

  • Less ppe used 

  • Employee time saved on room turn over

  • Time saved for your patients

  • Simpler follow up to answer questions and get patients started on treatment

Appointments you could do without needing the patients sitting in the chair include: follow up appointments, invisalign checks and part of a new patient encounter. Another opportunity is marketing and  patient education. Patients can learn about their benefits and prospective procedures. For example, you can schedule a 15 minute Invisalign teledentistry consult within 72 hours after an in-person introduction to answer any questions, look at financing options, and ensure they understand the benefits which will increase patient acceptance rates. During this appointment you can schedule them for their next appointment and receive a down payment. It helps your bottom line and allows patients to learn more without leaving their home.

Setting up on-line booking is an additional bonus to both your patients and your office staff as folks can book an appointment on-line any time of the day.  Dentrix offers an online booking system through your dentrix eCentral site. To utilize this for teledentistry, just make sure you have a dedicated teledentistry operatory listed. 

The last part is a software component to speak with patients. We have had luck with, which is a HIPAA compliant option. This is a web based application that allows you to run on just about any device, you just need a connection. 

Teledentistry doesn't have to be complex or difficult. There is so much more you can do and at Siligent, we can help you adapt it to make it really work for you, your patients and your staff. Reach out to us if you have any questions, we would love to help you make this a reality.


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