In the Lab: The DS-1

We are excited as we near the launch date for our direct internet sales store! When folks sell hardware, they tend to tout statistics, the latest or fastest CPU. But at Siligent, we are interested in how well the computer performs with your dental software. After all you can buy a Dell, but Dell won't tell you how the computer performed using Dexis.

Here in the lab, we build up solutions that will be robust and secure. We test them with Dentrix, OpenDental, EagleSoft, and other software suits like Dexis and KaVo. Sure we test basic software compatibility, but we also make sure that when we log in to a client, the software performs as you would want it. This means that when you choose a Siligent solution to run your practice, you can take a full mouth scan and view it right away. It also means that if there is a hardware failure, your practice doesn’t come to a halt.   

What exactly does a Siligent solution look like? It might depend exactly on your office's needs, but it will consist of at least 3 major components and a handful of peripheral devices. The heart of the solution is the server, this is typical in any architecture, but here at Siligent we use the server for pure processing power, see our blog on virtualization. Our server the DS-1 uses a Xeon-E 2224G, a basic Intel workhorse. This CPU is a nice sweet spot between price and capability, the G giving it a nice bump in frequency which is always nice for an SQL server. We usually recommend no less than 32 GB of Ram, but depending on how many operatories are requesting information that recommendation could go up or down. You can use the dual 1Gb LAN ports, or you can add a 10Gb expansion card if you’ve got a number of operatories requesting information at the same time. Your virtual server is held in one of two Network Attached Storage devices or NASs. The two NAS boxes are connected and act as a single device for your server.

So how does the DS-1 perform? We set it up with Dexis, OpenDental and EagleSoft. All were able to easily set up a client, as well as open and close patient files and images. We used Dexis and as you saw in our previous In the Lab blog, take 5-6 images and open them quickly. Our on-staff dentist was impressed and agreed it performs as well as the latest servers we have tested. The real difference we know will not be in performance but in how it protects and backs up your dental practice software, check out the previous blogs to see exactly how.

The server has other options for storage including CD-ROM drives (yes they do exist) as well as onboard 2.5” or 3.5” drives if virtualization and a NAS is not an option. The DS-1 has a lot of great options, perfect for the single or double practitioner office. The amazing thing is that the server is about the size of two or three dental textbooks stacked up. Add in the two NAS devices and your system can sit on a desk or a shelf anywhere. Your perfect back up system and server are all contained on a shelf and at a very simple price. We work with your existing IT services or if you need help installing the server or in setting up the entire office, give us a call!

Every practice is different, each with its own unique needs. There are a lot of really exciting options available, call us and let's find the right one for you!


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